Shahriar Manzoor

a prominent problemsetter of UVa Online Judge

May 12, 1976-Present


Shahriar Manzooris a prominent problemsetter of UVa Online Judge. He is currently the Chairman of Department of CSE of Southeast University. He is a Judge of ACM-ICPC World Finals 2003–2018 and Chief Judge of National Programming Contest 2003 & 2004. He is also the Judging Director of ACM ICPC Dhaka Site 2004–2017 and chief judge of ACM ICPC Kuala lumpur Regional Contest 2010. He took part in the ACM ICPC Dhaka Site in the year 1999 as a part of a team from BUET and his team stood third. He started the concept of arranging monthly contests in online judges. He has set around 350 problems in different online, national and international contests like ACM ICPC Asia Regional Contest in Bangladesh,Thailand, Malaysia and China. He found the closed form for side length of smallest regular hexagon that contains 4 circles of radius 1.


Shahriar Manzoor is a prominent problemsetter of UVa Online Judge. He is currently the Chairman of Department of CSE of Southeast University.

He is a Judge of ACM-ICPC World Finals 2003–2018 and Chief Judge of National Programming Contest 2003 & 2004. He is also the Judging Director of ACM ICPC Dhaka Site 2004–2017 and chief judge of ACM ICPC Kuala lumpur Regional Contest 2010. He took part in the ACM ICPC Dhaka Site in the year 1999 as a part of a team from BUET and his team stood third. He started the concept of arranging monthly contests in online judges. He has set around 350 problems in different online, national and international contests like ACM ICPC Asia Regional Contest in Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia and China. He found the closed form for side length of smallest regular hexagon that contains 4 circles of radius 1.

First solve the problem,Then write the code